Just for Fun
Snowball Fight
On Opening Day in 1907, the New York Giants faced off against the Phillies at New York City’s Polo Grounds after a heavy snowstorm. When the Giants fell behind, disgruntled fans began flinging snowballs onto the field, forcing the umpire to call a forfeit in the Phillies’ favor.
Quick Tip
Wear liner installed on the outside of the skirtboards is a simple modification that can save thousands of maintenance hours.

Jerad Heitzler
Foundations™ Training Manager
10 years with Martin
How you might
interact with Jerad:
Jerad instructs Foundations™ Training Programs, delivers presentations at industry-related conferences, and attends trade shows.
Favorite thing about Martin:
Martin's dedication to understanding, and being a part of solving customers' material handling problems.
Favorite thing about position/job:
Meeting and discussing material handling problems with the people who attend FOUNDATIONS™. It is a true pleasure to work with conveyor maintenance personnel and operators from around the country. Every class is enjoyable, enlightening, and useful because the attendees are such an active part of the discussion.
Something I want
customers to know:
Dust, spillage, carry back, and material buildup that often plagues a plant is not something that you need to live with and should not be acceptable. It is often easily preventable, and once proactive methods are taken, material handling will be cleaner, safer, and more productive.
Railcar opener helps unload carbottom gates safely and efficiently.
Opened in 1999, the CEMEX Cement Terminal in Sacramento supplies cement for concrete and ready-mix operations in central California. Up to four times a week, the terminal receives unit trains of 40 railcars at a time. Unloading proceeds round the clock until all cars are emptied allowing the train to return to the manufacturing plant for another load. To keep the trains in motion, and the terminal’s five silos full, it is important that unloading proceed smoothly. Problems in opening the discharge gates of the bottom-dump hopper cars could slow the process. The plant needs a system to make sure the car gates could be opened without the backbreaking labor of using a bar to open the gates or requiring the unloading crew to crawl underneath the car to work on the gate.
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The Martin® Wellness Program introduced a new option, yoga class, once a week at the start of 2016 available for employees and spouses.
Dave Mueller
Sr. Product Specialist - Belt Cleaners
29 years of industry experience
Uneven Blade Wear.....
what does it mean?
- Belt cleaner not properly tensioned
- Incorrect size cleaner for the diameter of the pulley
- Too much or too little blade coverage
- Not squarely mounted with the head pulley
If you need help finding the right belt cleaner for your application, contact Dave at 800-544-2947 extension 245.
F4 refers to Foundations™ 4 - the 4th edition of Martin's book on improving belt conveyors and controlling fugitive material. We will break up the book into short, easy-to-read articles for your convenience.
A flat, sag-free belt line in the skirted area is essential to successfully sealing the load zone.
Belt sag must be eliminated when practical in order to prevent spillage and reduce the escape of dust.
If the belt sags between idlers below the loading zone or flexes under the stress of loading, fines and lumps will work their way out the sides of the conveyor, dropping onto the floor as spillage or becoming airborne as a cloud of dust. Worse, these materials can wedge into entrapment points where they can gouge the belt or damage the sealing system and other components, worsening the spillage problem. A small amount of belt sag – sag that is barely apparent to the naked eye – is enough to permit fines to become entrapped, leading to abrasive wear on the skirtboard – sealing system and the belt surface.
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FOUNDATIONS™ For Conveyor Safety
The Global Best Practices Resource for Safer Bulk Materials Handling
Measure your R.O.S - Return On Safety
This 500+ page textbook devoted exclusively to conveyor system safety reveals a new methodology for calculating R.O.S.
Cougar® Heavy Duty Electric Vibrator B-Series
Promote the flow of difficult bulk solids from bins and hoppers and silo blockages
- Electric motor driven eccentric weight rotary vibrator
- 50 Hz / 60 Hz with full voltage ranges
- Speed range 3450, 1750, 1170, 850 RPM
- Centrifugal force output up to 16500 lbs.
- High-Temperature Class Insulation
- TENV vibrators ensure long life
- Water Tight / Dust Tight
- Continuous Duty
More Information
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