We help you increase profits by solving coal mining’s most challenging material handling problems.
Because coal mining operations use conveyor belts extensively to move materials, you must be able to count on your mining equipment to work efficiently without unscheduled downtime. Every time you have to stop production for unexpected problems like repairs or housekeeping, profitability drops.
And it doesn’t take much to bring down a process that transports thousands of tons of coal per day over several hundred yards. A conveyor system that comes out of alignment can easily damage equipment at transfer points or cause fugitive material to spill off the belt. Material can stick to belts and be carried back into the equipment, requiring a shutdown for cleanup. Fugitive dust can become airborne, causing a health and safety risk. All of these issues mean one thing: lost profits.
At Martin Engineering, we are a worldwide leader in designing and manufacturing durable conveyor belt equipment for the coal mining industry, as well as providing skilled, professional service for routine maintenance and equipment repairs on all conveyor systems. That includes non-Martin equipment. We focus on both underground and surface coal mining operations, making them run cleaner, safer, more efficient and more profitable. Our engineers and technicians – many of whom have worked in the coal mining industry and are certified miners – are dedicated to solving the kinds of problems that have plagued coal mining operations for years, while also being first to market with solutions to new challenges.
The equipment we manufacture is designed to keep your conveyor belt systems working at max efficiency so the outby material moves as quickly as possible from the mine face to the prep plant and on to the boiler or loading site. You can choose from numerous models and types of belt cleaners and belt support products, depending on your specific needs. Plus, we can provide professional installation and routine maintenance on all the products we sell. We have even gone so far as to provide our own MSHA-certified, Kubota 9700X underground vehicle to a mine site when warranted for intensive long-term work.
Dedicated expertise. Unparalleled service.
Martin has been in business since 1944. That’s more than seven decades exploring, analyzing and perfecting ways to move bulk materials quickly, safely and efficiently. That’s why thousands of long-time Martin customers rely on our products: because they work hard and they keep working for a long time. We want you to be as confident in our products as they are, so we back our equipment up with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
If you’re having issues with material spilling from your belts, equipment going out of alignment or breaking down, or fugitive dust causing problems, and can’t determine what’s causing it, give us a call. With our many experienced coal miners on staff, there's a good chance we’ve already run across the same problem, come up with a solution and implemented it successfully. And even if we haven’t seen it, we have the experience and resources to figure out what the issue is and help you fix it. Contact a Martin representative to find out how we can apply our decades of coal mining experience to making your operation more profitable!
- Move material more efficiently along conveyor systems and minimize carryback
- Keep downtime for maintenance and belt cleaning to a minimum
- Reduce spillage and equipment damage by keeping conveyor belts aligned
- Manage airborne dust and minimize the risk of explosion and inhalation
- Eliminate the need for workers to enter confined spaces
- Prevent material from spilling off of moving conveyor belts
- Deliver more product by maximizing your mine’s overall throughput
- Reduce costs by minimizing waste and reducing energy consumption
- Eliminate excessive downtime for maintenance and cleanup
Martin Designs Special Suspension Bracket On Suspended Conveyors
Replacing Inadequate Equipment Improves Productivity
Belt Misalignment Causing Structural and Belt Damage
Transfer Point Solutions Result In Safer, More Productive Coal Mining

Foundations™ for Conveyor Safety
Learn to Calculate your Return on Conveyor Safety™ with our compilation of worldwide best practices for safer bulk material handling in this first-ever textbook dedicated exclusively to the safety of conveyor systems.
Request Your FREE PDF or Hard-Back Copy
Free Engineering and Application Assistance
Our technicians have solved problems for people in your industry all over the world. Take advantage of our wealth of knowledge. Tell us about your situation today to learn how Martin can improve your performance, safety and bottom line - with no obligation. We want to ensure that you choose the right solution for your exact needs and we are willing to invest the time upfront to get it right the first time.
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Save With Our Martin® Walk the Belt™ Service!
Every conveyor is different, even within the same facility! We can provide regularly-scheduled reviews of your bulk material handling system components, involving a specialized crew with the expertise necessary to achieve high operating standards, keeping the conveyor system running at maximum productivity. Immediate data and photos will be available to facility managers and our suggestions will ensure long-term savings and efficiency.
Get Your Belts Reviewed By People Who Know What They’re Looking At -- At No Charge!